SPHEROTM अल्ट्रा रेनबो फ्लोरोसेंट पार्टिकल्स

यूवी से सुदूर लाल तक
सभी चैनलों में किसी भी प्रवाह साइटोमीटर के ऑप्टिकल संरेखण के लिए एक चोटी से मिलकर बनता है • यह निर्धारित करता है कि प्रवाह सेल साफ है और द्रव अवरोध के बिना • भिन्नता के गुणांक (सीवी), पीक चैनल और हिस्टोग्राम वितरण को निर्धारित करने के लिए मापता है प्रवाह cytometers की कार्यक्षमता


इस उत्पाद में रेनबो पार्टिकल्स की एक ही आबादी है जो एक एकल फ्लोरोसेंट तीव्रता से रंगे जाते हैं। प्रत्येक रेनबो पार्टिकल में फ्लोरोफोर्स का मिश्रण होता है जो कण के भीतर स्थिर रूप से एम्बेडेड होते हैं और 365-650 एनएम से किसी भी तरंग दैर्ध्य पर उत्तेजित हो सकते हैं, जिससे प्रवाह साइटोमीटर में अधिकांश चैनलों को कणों के एक ही सेट का उपयोग करके कैलिब्रेट किया जा सकता है। रेनबो पार्टिकल्स में फ्लो साइटोमेट्रिक विश्लेषण द्वारा इम्यूनोफ्लोरेसेंट स्टेनिंग के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले कई सामान्य फ्लोरोफोरस के साथ संगत उत्सर्जन स्पेक्ट्रा होता है। सुविधाजनक वितरण और भंडारण के लिए ड्रॉपर बोतल में इंद्रधनुष फ्लोरोसेंट कण प्रदान किए जाते हैं।

तैयारी और भंडारण

4 डिग्री सेल्सियस पर undiluted स्टोर करें।

अनुशंसित परख प्रक्रिया

यह कण मिश्रण (~10×10^6 कण/एमएल) प्रवाह साइटोमीटर के नियमित अंशांकन के लिए उपयोगी है। उपयोग करने से पहले, भंवर द्वारा कणों को फिर से निलंबित करें। म्यान द्रव के 1 मिलीलीटर में कणों की 3-5 बूंदों को पतला करने से प्रवाह साइटोमेट्रिक विश्लेषण के लिए पर्याप्त संख्या में कण उपलब्ध होंगे।

उत्पाद नोटिस

  1. सावधानी: सोडियम एजाइड अम्लीय परिस्थितियों में अत्यधिक विषैले हाइड्रोजोइक एसिड उत्पन्न करता है। नलसाजी में संभावित विस्फोटक जमा के संचय से बचने के लिए त्यागने से पहले बहते पानी में एज़ाइड यौगिकों को पतला करें।
  2. Cy GE हेल्थकेयर का ट्रेडमार्क है।
  3. तकनीकी प्रोटोकॉल के लिए कृपया देखें।

AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 5mL

ACURFP-38-5 5 mL
EUR 119
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 1.0-1.4µm

FPS-1057-UR 1.0-1.4µm
EUR 98

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5.0-5.9µm

FPS-5057-UR UR mL
EUR 105
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

AccuCount Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 3.8 (+/- 0.3)µm, 15mL

ACURFP-38-15 15 mL
EUR 283.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Ultra Rainbow, 5 intensities, 5.0-5.9µm

FPS-5057-UR5 5.0-5.9µm
EUR 105

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

RFP-38-5 5 mL
EUR 188.4
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP01-35--10A 10X1 mL
EUR 194.4
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP01-35--2AK 2X1 mL
EUR 486
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles

SRCP10-35--2A 2X1 mL
EUR 1497.6
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610A-1 1ml
EUR 265

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610B-5 5ml
EUR 522

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~3.8µm

BLI610C-14 2x7ml
EUR 1007

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611A-1 1ml
EUR 265

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611B-5 5ml
EUR 522

Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles ~10.2µm

BLI611C-14 2x7ml
EUR 1007

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 8.1-12.0µm, 2mL

RFP-100-2 2 mL
EUR 154
Description: Rainbow Calibration Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.8-2.2µm, 5mL

RFP-20-5 5 mL
EUR 178.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

RFP-30-5 5 mL
EUR 185.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 3.5-4.0µm, 5mL

RFP-35-5 5 mL
EUR 185.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 5.0-5.9µm, 5mL

RFP-50-5 5 mL
EUR 192.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.0-6.4µm, 5mL

RFP-60-5 5 mL
EUR 192.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 6.5-8.0µm, 5mL

RFP-70-5 5 mL
EUR 192.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 4 peaks, 1E7/mL, 0.4-0.6µm, 5mL

RCP-05-5 5mL
EUR 189

AccuCount Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 10^6/mL, 8.0-12.9µm, 3mL

ACRFP-100-3 3 mL
EUR 122.5
Description: Flow Cytometry Particles For Fine Tuning Cell Sorters

Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-Range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.4µm, 5mL

RFP-30-5A 5X1 mL
EUR 185.5
Description: Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 10.0-14.0µm

FPS-10057 mL
EUR 98
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Fluorescent Particle Slide, Rainbow, 13.0-17.9µm

FPS-15057 mL
EUR 98
Description: Please reffer to the technical data sheet for more detail information for this item. Our dedicated team would be happy to assist you via live chat, email or phone.

Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, Mid-range, 1E7/mL, 3.0-3.59µm, 2mL

SRCP-35-2A 2X1 mL
EUR 175
Description: Supra Rainbow Fluorescent Particlesare calibration particles that help you to determine if a flow cytometer is properly aligned and has a clean flow cell with no fluidic blockage. Using SPHERO? Alignment Particles, the coefficients of variation (CVs), peak channels, and histogram distributions can be measured to determine the alignment and functionality of the flow cytometer.

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